

e trust Unity makes Strength therefore we negotiate with our suppliers, on behalf of our wholesalers and build solid and competitive terms of collaboration.



e highly value continuous education of our members as well as all components of their business.
DELTA GROUP organizes education and training seminars for our members and their salesforce on topics including service, sales, financial management, new trends in the marketplace, modernizing businesses and other topics that educate our human capital and strengthen the position of our partners in the market.



e provide constant and continuous support to our affiliates through our headquarters in Athens. News and inside information are shared directly with our wholesalers throughout Greece.



fter many years in a row, our traditional PanHellenic meeting with our distributors, is still organized annually in Athens. Everybody meets everybody, we exchange news and projects, we catch up and set our goals and priorities for the upcoming year.



e have created useful tools to promote our products and boost sales.

  • Our Sales Organizer is distributed free of charge through the affiliates of our Group to their retailers/customers. It is a comprehensive product catalogue of small retail, including some of the hottest products and trends all in one brochure, updated every year and published annually since 2006.
  • We also issue 8 leaflets with special offers and deals, sent to thousands of small retail stores around Greece, where we present new products and significant offers for the retailers that they can buy through our distributors
  • Webpage where our members can electronically receive and be informed about annual deals, price lists and new company products.
  • Social media development (Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn). We keep up with the trends and technology.



e stay connected! We communicate on a regular basis and pay visits to our wholesalers on their premises all over the country.